Broker Caravan Kudos Logo
  • Allow for time slots between 10-12:30.  I pick the time based on what works for a route and make attempts at meeting everyone’s special requests.  
  • Allow for the properties to be scheduled in a flowing route. If you want to pick the time and provide for an hour when it is not a lunch, then enter into MLS and not here.  I assign 15-30 min stops with a logical route in mind and I need flexibility.  If you enter multiple properties I will try my best, but you may need to have a colleague cover.
  • Lunches and extended stops notes should be in “Special Request” section of submission.  Extended stops could be a breakfast/coffee or multiple units at the same address.
  • Submit properties by Tuesday at 5:00, this allows everyone to get some advance notice to inform sellers and plan their day.  Submissions after Tuesday at 5 may not make the schedule.
  • This is for Thursday broker events only.  
  • Proof your auto-response on submissions.  If you make a mistake on your submission, resubmit it through the website.  Managing corrections via my inbox will certainly lead to errors.  I remove the earlier submission and go with the most recent.